Concept Overview

We have updated our entire API around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication. We provide two types of payment flow.

REST API transaction with Authorization

Our REST API with authorization ensures that our users are eligible to make a purchase before checking out. The process can be explained in three steps:

1. Create Payment Order

%% @backgroundColor{rgb(255, 0, 0)} sequenceDiagram participant User participant Merchant participant TendoPay User-->>Merchant: 1. Checkout with TendoPay. Merchant-->>TendoPay: 2. Create payment order. TendoPay-->>Merchant: 3. Return payment auth token.

2. Redirect for Authorization

sequenceDiagram participant User participant Merchant participant TendoPay Merchant-->>User: 4. Redirect URL with token. User-->>TendoPay: 5. Verify credentials.

3. Make a Payment

sequenceDiagram participant User participant Merchant participant TendoPay User-->>TendoPay: 6. Choose installment option and accept agreement. TendoPay-->>Merchant: 7. Call "redirect_url" with result. Merchant-->>User: 8. Finish or continue the checkout process.

REST API with Payment Gateway

Our REST API with payment gateway simplifies the process by acting as a payment gateway, this is perfect for e-commerce websites. The process can be shown in two steps:

1. Submit Payment with Order

sequenceDiagram participant User participant Merchant participant TendoPay Merchant -->> User: 1. Submit payment order form. User -->> TendoPay: 2. Verify credentials.

2. Receive callback

sequenceDiagram participant User participant Merchant participant TendoPay User -->> TendoPay: 3. Choose installment option and review. TendoPay -->> Merchant: 4. Call "redirect_url" with the result. Merhcant -->> User: 5. Finish or continue the checkout process.