WordPress Manual Installation

{danger} Woocommerce is required for TendoPay plugin to work


To manually install the plugin into your WordPress CMS, go to the plugins section (Plugins -> Add new plugin) and click on Upload Plugin. You can download our plugin either through our GitHub repository or by downloading from the WordPress plugin page. Once you obtain the zip file, go to the plugins and click on Add New. From there, click on Upload Plugin and upload the zip file. Figure 1 shows the upload method of the plugin.

Manual Installation


Once you have installed the WordPress plugin, click on the settings in the plugins menu. Figure 3 shows the TendoPay plugin and where the settings is located. Another option would be to go to Woocommerce > Settings > Payments > Pay with TendoPay. Make sure that the payment is enabled.

TendoPay Settings

Once in the TendoPay settings page, make sure that the following fields have the correct credentials in the settings. All the necessary information will be provided to you. NOTE: The Sandbox credentials are not the same as the Production.


Make sure that the SANDBOX checkbox is enabled. Figure 4 shows the TendoPay settings. Once finished, click on the Save Changes button to save the settings.

TendoPay Sandbox Checkbox


Make sure that the SANDBOX checkbox is disabled. Figure 5 shows the TendoPay settings. Once finished, click on the Save Changes button to save the settings.

TendoPay Production